
A Public Consultation took place during September and ran until 6 October 2023.

Thank you to all those that provided feedback and to those that attended the public event on 28 September.  

The exhibition was held locally to the site, at 58 Wardour Street, and ran from 2pm to 7pm, to allow as many as possible to attend. An A1 poster advertising the event was displayed on the door on the morning and throughout the exhibition. The project team, including the architects and planning consultants were on hand to answer questions and discuss the proposals in more detail.

Below is a summary of questions raised and our responses. 

Feedback Summary

Massing, height and loss of light 

Local people asked if the scheme will be higher than it is currently and if will it block views.

Two additional, setback storeys are proposed on 60-62 Old Compton Street bringing the level up to the same height as 58 Old Compton Street. On Bourchier Street, the existing buildings will be extended and the maximum height will match the buildings on Old Compton Street, before stepping down towards Bourchier Street.

Ahead of submission, a full analysis of impacts on daylight and sunlight will be carried out. These reports will be submitted with the planning application and available to view on Westminster City Council’s website. We will update the local community once the plans have been submitted and validated. 


Residents asked how their privacy would be maintained. 

The design team is seeking to minimise privacy issues for neighbours. This will include planting on the terraces for screening. The buildings will be used for offices, operating during office hours, and timing restrictions on use of the terraces may also be considered where necessary.  

As the scheme develops, further information will be provided regarding terraces and privacy measures. We will continue to liaise with our closest neighbours. 

Roof-top electrical equipment

People wanted to know more about roof-top electrical equipment and how to minimise its impact.

The renovation works present an opportunity to fully upgrade all mechanical equipment to modern alternatives, which are generally smaller, quieter and more efficient as they consume less energy. A new plant enclosure will house mechanical equipment, which is currently at the rear of the properties on Bourchier Street.  This will move to the roof of the new building and the equipment will be screened to minimise noise and any visual impact.  

The roof of 8-10 Bourchier Street is not being developed. However, the existing plant equipment will be updated and consolidated, which will tidy up the roof. We are also considering options, such as a green roof, to improve the view for neighbours. A green roof also provides environmental benefits by improving the thermal performance of buildings and providing an eco-friendly habitat for birds and other wildlife.

Sustainability & Biodiversity

Local people felt strongly that the scheme was an opportunity to improve the sustainable credentials of the building. They asked for more information on this when it is available. 

This scheme retains and extends the current buildings and is significantly better for the environment than demolishing and rebuilding. This keeps embodied carbon captured.  

The sustainability aspects that are under development include: 

  • Review of and upgrade of the existing building fabric, including windows, to improve the energy performance of the building 

  • Upgrade of all plant equipment across the site to optimise energy performance 

  • Opportunity for renewable sources being explored, such as air source heat pumps 

  • Maximise and increase biodiversity within the scheme, including planting to terraces and opportunities for green roofs 

  • Consideration of the embodied carbon to proposals

  • Planting on the new terraces will greatly improve greening of the area. We are looking at planting schemes to attract pollinators and other methods to increase biodiversity

  • We are also considering the inclusion of a green roof, which provides further environmental benefits and an eco-friendly habitat for wildlife.

Next Steps 

Our planning application was submitted to Westminster City Council in April 2024. The council will run their own consultation giving the community another opportunity to comment on the proposals.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss our proposals in more detail please contact the team directly via email, or call 0800 772 0475.