Upgrading Soho behind the scenes
Soho Estates is planning to refurbish and renovate a number of buildings on Old Compton Street and Bourchier Street.
Old Compton Street - current view from Wardour Street
Proposed view of scheme
The proposed scheme will retain the facades on Old Compton Street, with minimal disruption during construction.
The existing buildings on Bourchier Street include recessed frontages as well as rear servicing areas, mechanical plant and fire escapes. Our proposals include creating new office frontages on Bourchier Street and retaining back of house uses behind these new facades.
In 2019, Soho Estates began looking at a wholesale redevelopment of these buildings to provide much-needed new office space. However, following consultation with local stakeholders, the proposals have changed to retain the existing buildings and reduce the size and scale of the scheme. The height of the proposed new buildings will be similar to what was on this site historically. Moving away from demolition and redevelopment makes the scheme significantly more sustainable, by keeping embodied carbon captured, and helps reduce construction disruption.
This website provides detailed information on the Site and Proposals ahead of Soho Estates submitting a planning application to Westminster City Council by the end of the year.
Please visit our Consultation page to tell us your views.